Тесты на знание основ аналитики мобильных приложений с помощью Google Analytics

Тест 1

Which tool can you use to advertise your app on the Google Search results page and the Google Display Network?
(AdWords allows you to advertise on both the Google Search results page and GDN.)

Which tool can you use to advertise your app within other apps?
(AdMob can let you run ads for your app inside other apps.)

Which tool can you use to publish ads directly within your app?
 Google AdWords
 Google AdSense
 Google Analytics
(In addition to running ads in other apps, AdMob also lets you host advertising within your own app.)

Which tool can you use to measure user behavior within your app?
 Google AdWords
 Google AdSense
 Google Analytics
(Google Analytics is the only one of these tools that lets you measure user behavior in your app.)

What is a “session” in Google Analytics?
 The number of times a user clicks an app to open it
 The number of times a user exits an app
 The period of time when a user actively engages with an app
 The number of times a user starts a new level within a gaming app
(A session is that period of time when a user is actively engaging with an app.)

Which monetization model would you use to let users download an app for free and then pay to unlock features?
 Paid app download
 In-app purchases
 In-app ads
(Freemium is the term for the monetization model where users download a free app and then pay for additional features.)

What is the term for an action you want users to perform in your app in order to advance your business goals?
(Conversions are the actions you want users to perform in your app to achieve your business goals.)

What is a Goal in Google Analytics?
 A Goal sets a target ranking for your app’s position on an app marketplace
 A Goal allows you to define and measure conversions
 A Goal allows users to set target scores to challenge themselves
 A Goal is equivalent to earning one point in a gaming app
(A Goal lets you define and measure conversions in Google Analytics.)

Which SDK can provide your app access to the entire suite of Google Services such as Google Analytics and Google Maps?
 Android SDK
 Analytics SDK
 Google Play Services SDK
 Android Studio
(The Google Play Services SDK provides access to the entire suite of Google Services for apps.)

Which tool lets app developers push data collection tag updates without having to publish a new version of the app to a marketplace?
 Android SDK
 Analytics SDK
 Android Studio
 Google Tag Manager
(Google Tag Manager lets you push collection tag updates without having to publish a new version of your app to a marketplace every time.)

Тест 2

Which type of ad appears on Google search engine result pages based on users’ search terms?
 Search ads
 Display ads
 Social ads
 Email sponsorships

Which type of ad appears appears as a banner on websites, videos, or within other apps?
 Search ads
 Display ads
 Social ads
 Email sponsorships

What is the term for targeting ads to users who have previously visited your website or app?

To view AdWords data in your Google Analytics reports you must first:
(select all that apply)
 Link your AdSense and AdWords accounts
 Link your AdWords and Google Analytics accounts
 Enable geo-tagging
 Enable auto-tagging

Select one reason that apps marketplace data might appear as “not set” in Google Analytics:
 You have not correctly connected your Analytics account to AdMob
 The app marketplace doesn’t support the App Installer ID
 You have not associated your app to your app marketplace
 You have exceeded data limits in Analytics

Which report shows the traffic sources that brought users to your app marketplace, how long they stayed, and how much money they spent?
 Sources report
 App Marketplace report
 New Users report
 AdWords Campaigns report

Which report shows how users moved through the acquisition process including marketplace views, installs, and drop-offs?
 App Overview report
 Audience reports
 Behavior Flow report
 Google Play Referral Flow report

Which report shows an overview of users who launched your app for the first time?
 Active Users report
 New Users report
 App Versions report
 New vs Returning report

What is the term for separating distinct groups of users in Google Analytics to compare their similarities and differences?

Audience report data can help you:
(select all that apply)
 Understand common characteristics of your audience
 Design better demographic targeting for your advertising campaigns
 Improve your users’ app experience based on language or geography
 Identify new apps or websites you can use to advertise your mobile app

Тест 3

Which group of reports includes data about app screens, interactions within a screen, and the crashes and exceptions users encounter?
 Audience reports
 Acquisition reports
 Behavior reports
 Conversion reports

Google Analytics screen tracking collects the following data:
(select all that apply)
 How many times users click buttons on specific screens
 The name of each screen that users view
 Which buttons users click within specific screens
 How many times users view each screen

What Google Analytics tracking feature can you use to track specific interactions within a screen of your app?
 Screen tracking
 Event tracking
 Crashes & Exceptions
 Enhanced Ecommerce
(The tracking feature you can use to track specific interactions within an app screen is called “event tracking.”)

When tracking an event, we recommend you set up at least these three parameters:
 Label, Value, and Category
 Action, Label, and Value
 Category, Value, and Label
 Category, Action, and Label

If a user clicks a button with event tracking 4 times in one session and 4 times in another session, the total number of Unique Events will be counted as:
 1 Unique Event
 2 Unique Events
 4 Unique Events
 8 Unique Events

Why is it important to be selective when choosing which events to track?
(select all that apply)
 You might bias where users click in your app
 You might exceed Google Analytics data collection limits for a session
 You want to avoid incomplete session data
 You can only track 10 unique event categories with Google Analytics
(You should be selective about choosing what events to track so you don’t exceed Google Analytics data collection limits and avoid incomplete session data.)

Custom Dimensions and Metrics in Google Analytics allow you to:
 Change the default dimension/metric names in your Google Analytics reports
 Collect data that’s not automatically captured through Google Analytics
 Upload your own user behavior data to Google Analytics
 Predict how much money users will spend in your app
(Custom Dimensions and metrics let you collect data that’s not automatically captured through Google Analytics.)

Which of the following are examples of dimensions?
(select all that apply)
 Mobile Device
 Bounce Rate
 New Visits
 Screen Resolution

Which of the following are examples of metrics?
(select all that apply)
 Time on Page
 Operating System
 Session Duration

Enhanced Ecommerce reports can show:
(select all that apply)
 The names of top selling products
 The revenue from each product
 The reason a user returned a product
 The percentage of shopping cart drop-offs

Тест 4

Which of these issues represent potential roadblocks for maximizing app revenue?
(select all that apply)
 Overly-complex registration process
 Game level that users cannot pass
 Technical issue in the purchasing process
 Technical issues on particular devices

Given the following report, which screen would you check first to fix potential roadblocks?
 Level 1
 Level 2
 Level 3
 Level 4

Given the following report, which app version appears to have introduced a new technical issue?

The Loyalty report shows:
 How frequently users spent money in an app
 How frequently users returned to an app
 How often users invited their friends to an app
 How often users passed a level in an app

The Recency report shows:
 How much time has passed since a user spent money in an app
 How much time has passed since a user started a new game in an app
 How much time has passed since a user launched an app
 How much time has passed since a user’s last app session

Which of the following are strategies to re-engage existing users of your app?
(select all that apply)
 Email marketing
 Push notifications
 Remarketing campaigns
 Editing your apps marketplace page

In order to enable Remarketing in Google Analytics, you must:
 Download the Remarketing SDK
 Update your Google Analytics tracking code
 Request permission from Google to use Remarketing
 Tag your marketing campaigns with URL parameters

Audience Lists in Remarketing can do which of the following:
(select all that apply)
 Target ads to groups of users based on common attributes
 Provide a list of your users’ favorite apps
 Target ads to groups of users based on previous actions in your app
 Allow you to create your own targeting lists using existing Analytics segments

When creating an Audience List in Analytics, you can use one of these pre-defined audiences:
(select all that apply)
 All users to your website or app
 Users that visit a specific page or area of your website or screen of your app
 Users who complete a specific goal conversion
 New users that Google determines to be viable candidates through machine learning