Installing upstream Xen dom0 capable kernel

yum install screen vim wget tcpdump ntp ntpdate man smartmontools links lynx ethtool xorg-x11-xauth

yum groupinstall "Development tools" "Additional Development" "Debugging Tools" "System administration tools" "Compatibility libraries" "Console internet tools" "Desktop Platform Development"

yum install glibc-devel.i686

mkdir /root/kernel && cd /root/kernel
git clone git:// linux-2.6-xen
cd linux-2.6-xen

git checkout -b xen/stable-2.6.32.x origin/xen/stable-2.6.32.x

If your repository is not updated (step 1), and it does not yet have the reference to the tag, Git will complain like so:
$ git checkout -b feature/awesomesauce
fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'feature/awesomesauce' at the same time.
Did you intend to checkout 'myproject/' which can not be resolved as commit?

git checkout xen- -f

wget -O .config
make oldconfig
make -j4 bzImage && make -j4 modules && make modules_install

depmod -a
cp -a arch/x86/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-
cp -a /boot/
cp -a .config /boot/config-
cd /boot
dracut initramfs-

chkconfig ksm off
chkconfig ksmtuned off

nano /boot/grub/grub.conf


Installing upstream Xen dom0 capable kernel